Are you a baker who sells goods at farmers' markets or to coffee shops?

I have been sporadically employed over the last four years and I have been cooking and baking a lot as a way to feel productive (and save $). After a pie baking frenzy this summer, friends have suggested I start trying to sell my baked goods. I have started to investigate how one would start but I have a lot of questions and need advice. I would love to hear tips for starting out. My first thoughts are to see if I can get orders for pumpkin pies for Thansgiving - I will need to rent a few hours at a commercial kitchen to churn them out. I am also going to look into coffee shops that might take orders for single serve items (muffins, cookies, etc. )

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1 Comment

Nozlee S. October 11, 2012
Look no further than our very own mrslarkin! She sells at farmers' markets, and I'm sure she's full of advice.
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