What is your favorite cookbook?

I’m looking for suggestions for a cookbook to cook from this winter for fun. What is your favorite cookbook?

gravy lessons


ChezHenry October 27, 2012
The Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking by Marcela Hazan
Roast Chicken and Other Stories by Simon Hopkinson
Simple French Food by Richard Olney
sexyLAMBCHOPx October 25, 2012
My go-to favorite fall/winter cookbook is hands down is The Ski House Cookbook!
luvcookbooks October 25, 2012
luv jane grigson Good Things, Diana Kennedy, Nothing Fancy, Elizabeth David, Spices, Salt and Aromatics in the English Kitchen
ktown October 24, 2012
Best all-purpose: How to Cook Everything, Bittman. Best regional cookbooks: Real Thai by Nancie McDermott, French Farmhouse Cookbook by Susan Herrmann Loomis, A Cook's Journey to Japan Sarah Marx Feldner.
SeaJambon October 23, 2012
Can't believe no one has mentioned Julia Child and "The Way to Cook"...
SeaJambon October 23, 2012
Can't believe no one has mentioned Julia Child and "The Way to Cook"...
Sam1148 October 24, 2012
That's actually my fav hard copy book...well used and worn.
QueenSashy October 23, 2012
"The slow Mediterranean kitchen" by Paula Wolfert. And, although they are not considered cookbooks, I love "The man who ate everything" and "It must have been something I ate" by Jeffrey Steingarten.
pierino October 23, 2012
Michael Ruhlman plays Boswell to Thomas Keller's Johnson in "Bouchon" and "Ad Hoc at Home"

Judy Rodgers "The Zuni Cafe" is one that working cooks refer to for its clarity and sheer brilliance.

The most important chefs in America right now are all Korean American; David Chang "Momofuku". This guy will make you nuts but it's genius.

Sam is right about the old stuff; not just thrift stores but used bookstores and also estate sales.
Sam1148 October 23, 2012
I didn't care that much for "Ad Hoc at Home" I checked out at a library..and did the chicken which I've heard people rave about..and few other things (the rainbow chard ect)..and frankly;. The Church ladies around here make better fried chicken. (G) at covered dish dinners. And I STILL can't make decent 'church lady' biscuits, I guess I need quite a few more years on me to duplicate those. Less science and more 'feel'.
Sam1148 October 23, 2012
Go to a thrift store...look at their books. Find old homespun self published booked from garden clubs etc. You'll find some real gems there. Often with handwritten notes in the margins.

JustSomeCook October 23, 2012
Joe Beef
I'm Just Here For the Food
Au Pied de Cochon
Made in Italy

Man, there are really too many to count. This is what popped right of the top of my head.
gravy L. October 22, 2012
Thank you everyone! I'm so grateful for this community of fine cooks. Now I have a list to work from for the next couple of years, at least.
Alexandra H. October 22, 2012
Sorry- spell check! I meant to say 'old and new' recipes....
Alexandra H. October 22, 2012
Sorry- spell check! I meant to say 'old and new' recipes....
Alexandra H. October 22, 2012
Sorry- spell check! I meant to say 'old and new' recipes....
Alexandra H. October 22, 2012
Umph...that's a hard one, indeed! I LOVE The Essestial New York Times Cookbook by Food52's very own Amanda Hesser! It's a magnificent mix of culinary history, culinary facts and tips, ok'd and new, professional chef and home cook. I literally have read it for hours on end- fascinating! Ina Garten is great for attractive, approachable, party food!
drbabs October 22, 2012
Thought you'd find this discussion interesting: http://www.food52.com/blog/3777_first_kitchen_your_10_essential_cookbooks_and_why_they_still_matter
Sam1148 October 22, 2012
Right now..."The Internet" is my favorite 'cookbook'.

Linn October 22, 2012
The most recent cookbook I have bought is Marco Canora's Salt to Taste. He is the owner / chef at a Manhattan restaurant Hearth. His book comes hightly recommended by me.
bigpan October 22, 2012
I've bought and used over a thousand cook books. I've given most away and kept a few sentimental signed ones, or ones with great photos.
So, today my favorite cookbook is "Google" !
Kristen W. October 22, 2012
I think Rick Bayless's Mexican Kitchen is a fantastic cookbook. He of course gives recipes, but with every dish type and/or recipe he gives cultural/historical background, technical information, and tips and suggestions for variation/improvisational which can not only allow the home cook to tailor the dish to his or her tastes, but also allow the American cook to adapt the recipe according to what ingredients may or may not be available in their local stores. Comprehensive, brilliant, and inspiring!

Voted the Best Reply!

Reiney October 22, 2012
Ottolenghi's Plenty - looking forward to Jerusalem, coming out soon (or maybe it's already out?)

David Thompson's Thai Food - for its encyclopedic, not-dumbed-down approach to Thai

gravy L. October 22, 2012
Thank you so much for these wonderful suggestions! I can't wait to get started.
darksideofthespoon October 22, 2012
In Season by Sarah Raven
The Flavor Bible by Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg
Hunt, Gather, Cook by Hank Shaw
The Enchanted Broccoli Forest by Mollie Katzen
Kenzi W. October 22, 2012
That's such a tough one! I'm still working on memorizing Ratio, by Michael Ruhlman, so I can just play and experiment at will in the kitchen.
Monita October 22, 2012
A Year of Pies by Ashley English
Martha Stewart's Dinner at Home
Cook This Now by Melissa Clark
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