Do you have a favorite season?

I seem to do best with summer recipes (though I'm told I make a mean Thanksgiving turkey). Perhaps the influence of growing up in California Do you excel with a particular season's ingredients, tastes and textures, or are you inspired anew as the seasons change?



Linn November 11, 2012
I'm with "darksideofthespoon" - variety is what I like most of all.
QueenSashy November 10, 2012
Fall, hands down. I love the flavors of the season, the vegetables of the season, the braises, the stews, the roasts, the cookies.
wssmom November 8, 2012
Interesting question! I have been known to shovel a path through two feet of snow to get to my outdoor grill, so I would have to say summer.
Ben P. November 8, 2012
Fall's my favorite season and that has everything to do with Fall flavors. Apples, pumpkin, squash, cinnamon, cloves, etc. Love it!
sexyLAMBCHOPx November 8, 2012
Fall. Stews, braises, creamy soups, pear salads, etc...
sexyLAMBCHOPx November 8, 2012
Fall. Stews, braises, creamy soups, pear salads, etc...

Voted the Best Reply!

pierino November 8, 2012
Baseball season.
fiveandspice November 8, 2012
What an interesting question and thing to think about. I hadn't thought about the fact that I'm a northern girl through and through as influencing which seasons I feel most comfortable cooking for, but I must say, I'm happiest with fall and winter food, for sure (well, maybe not so much come March and April and it's still completely wintery). It may be a little sad but I totally get overwhelmed by summer produce come July and August! Give me root vegetables, sturdy greens, and winter squash, and I'm a happy camper!
creamtea November 9, 2012
I do love when the weather turns and I can get back to having a hot cup of good tea-- usually either Indonesian or Yunnan. Something I have no desire to do in the summer.
darksideofthespoon November 8, 2012
I love all the seasons for different reasons. I love fall and winter for the comfort, stick to your rib aspect. Hot brothy soup and bread on a snowy night? Nothing better. I love the summer, because, up here in cold Canada, we finally get seasonal produce! Fresh tomatoes? Heck yes! I could eat an off vine tomato like an apple, and really, I have before.. I do try my best not to buy much out of season because it simply doesn't taste the same. Spring in Canada doesn't much exist, at least here it doesn't.
jmburns November 8, 2012
I like spring here in Texas. Grilling, veggies start coming in Fresh salad greens. All things I love. But you know Winter and a great Stew is pretty enticing to. We just don't get enough cold days to braise often enough.
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