There are SO MANY standing rib roast recipes out there, but I need the best one. I MUST make the perfect Christmas Dinner this year! Please h
WileyPDecember 10, 2012
Not that I'm pushing my own recipe or anything, but you might want to take a look at my Lazy Standing Rib Roast at:
Be nice to that expensive cut of heaven, Bippy, and it in turn will be nice to you!
Good luck! - Wiley
Be nice to that expensive cut of heaven, Bippy, and it in turn will be nice to you!
Good luck! - Wiley
kimhwDecember 10, 2012
Bippy. I take both sides. I've never used a real recipe for this. I just did it the way my grandmothers did, one French married to a German, the other Italian married to an Armenian.
This isn't mega market meat. Go to a REAL butcher. Rub with herbs, garlic and olive oil. Leave in the fridge over night.
Now the modern girl comes out....
I can't do anything without my prob thermometer. I'm not burning my fingers at every meal "testing" the temp like my grandmothers did.
130 take it out and let it rest.
As long as your price was inserted properly you will have the best meat ever.
This isn't mega market meat. Go to a REAL butcher. Rub with herbs, garlic and olive oil. Leave in the fridge over night.
Now the modern girl comes out....
I can't do anything without my prob thermometer. I'm not burning my fingers at every meal "testing" the temp like my grandmothers did.
130 take it out and let it rest.
As long as your price was inserted properly you will have the best meat ever.
pierinoDecember 10, 2012
I'm on team bigpan here. The quality of the beef matters more than any technique. Yes, go to a real butcher where they break down a whole carcass and not just run primals through a band saw. And buy prime, not choice. First and foremost, nothing is "perfect" but you will get closer with good meat to start with.
bigpanDecember 9, 2012
It is one thing to cook a good recipe to the best outcome - but, do your$elf a favor and go to a butcher.
Most "grocery store" meats are wet aged for 14 days. A good butcher will dry age beef for 28+ days. If I plead with my guy he will bring out soe 35 day aged.
The extra aging breaks down the enzymes and collagens so the meat will be soft like warm butter.
Costly, yes - but your guests will speak out it for years to come.
If you don't have a good butcher, try speaking to the chef at a Morton's or Ruth Chris and beg.
Most "grocery store" meats are wet aged for 14 days. A good butcher will dry age beef for 28+ days. If I plead with my guy he will bring out soe 35 day aged.
The extra aging breaks down the enzymes and collagens so the meat will be soft like warm butter.
Costly, yes - but your guests will speak out it for years to come.
If you don't have a good butcher, try speaking to the chef at a Morton's or Ruth Chris and beg.
sfmillerDecember 9, 2012
I've had excellent results with roasting in a very low oven (160 - 200F) until the desired internal temp is reached, then blasting the roast in a 500F oven for a short time to brown the top. This gives a very uniform level of doneness, without the gray overdone ring around the perimeter. I used to sear it in pan on the stove, then slow-roast; but this method is easier and less messy.
I've never tried the Ann Seranne method; I don't have a probe thermometer and I'm leery of leaving an expensive piece of meat unattended in the oven for hours. To judge from the comments on the recipe, it's failed for some people.
Here's a description of the start-low-finish-hot method:
The one drawback of this method is that it ties up your oven for a long time at a temperature that's not much good for cooking anything else.
I've never tried the Ann Seranne method; I don't have a probe thermometer and I'm leery of leaving an expensive piece of meat unattended in the oven for hours. To judge from the comments on the recipe, it's failed for some people.
Here's a description of the start-low-finish-hot method:
The one drawback of this method is that it ties up your oven for a long time at a temperature that's not much good for cooking anything else.
Kristen M.December 9, 2012
One note about the Ann Seranne recipe -- it's a wonderful recipe, but if you're making it for the first time, I recommend getting a probe thermometer. Some people with newer, more efficient ovens have reported that their roasts have been overdone, but with a thermometer you can watch the internal temperature and pull it out before that happens. Here's a cheap, dependable model:
pierinoDecember 9, 2012
Back to my favorite technique for large masses of meat; internal brine. You make your brine from salt and water but instead of soaking the animal you use an injector to squirt it directly into the muscle mass itself. You use a large hypodermic style injector which you can probably find at your supermarket. After that be sure to rub down the outside with oil, salt and appropriate herbs to get a crisp, tasty crust.
mrslarkinDecember 9, 2012
I'm making the Ann Seranne rib roast for Christmas dinner this year. Happy holidays!
Amanda H.December 9, 2012
I've made the Ann Seranne rib roast many times -- it's wonderful! And is a great, simple technique.
drbabsDecember 9, 2012
Look at on this site. I haven't made it, but it has been well tested and labeled a Genius Recipe. All the Genius Recipes I've made from here have turned out great. I hope your Christmas dinner is perfect.
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