I made quince membrillo today. I cooked it for one hour and 15 minutes. The recipe said an hour and the quince had thickened and looked shiny to m...

...e, but it has cooled completely and while the top is jelled, the bottom is too soft to cut. Can I put it back in the pan and cook it more

  • Posted by: erinbdm
  • December 15, 2012
Quince Membrillo
Recipe question for: Quince Membrillo


luvcookbooks December 21, 2012
I bought the flavored sugars at a store called "Spices and Tease" on Broadway and 96th. They are a mini New York chain, might be on the web. There are some recipes for flavored sugars on the site but I haven't tried one. Keep me posted!
erinbdm December 17, 2012
Thank you luvcookbooks--next time I'll try the oven method. Coating the membrillo with sugar sounds very pretty. I made a triple batch to give as gifts with cheese. Maybe I should try coating some of it. How do you make the flavored sugar?
luvcookbooks December 17, 2012
I have also had luck with drying it in a low oven (180 degrees) when it is a little too soft. I just made a batch and rolled the pieces in flavored sugars. Rose sugar, pomegranate sugar, and pistachio sugar (only one sugar per piece of quince candy). Looked very Arabian nights. So happy there are quince cookers on the site.
erinbdm December 16, 2012
Well--I didn't get any responses, so I decided to go ahead and recook the membrillo. This time I looked at some more recipes and found one that said it should look dry in the pan. I cooked it until it looked dry and it has jelled beautifully.
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