how do i make really soft pasta?

i would like to make a pasta of a similar width/girth of gnocchi but with just pasta and no potato. how can I ensure it will be soft and sumptuous?

  • Posted by: brandon
  • December 26, 2012


Author Comment
Here is the recipe, good luck!
cookbookchick December 26, 2012
Or you could make ricotta gnocchi with ricotta cheese and flour. There's a recipe on this site.
bigpan December 26, 2012
I would consider going to an Italian store and getting "00" flour.
When in Rome.....
pierino December 26, 2012
All purpose flour should work. Figure about two cups flour to two eggs. You will need a fork and a "bench knife" (pastry cutter). The flour will absorb as much of the egg as it wants to. After that it's rest, roll and cut. Allow the pasta to rest wrapped in cling wrap for 30 minutes. Cut into manageable portions and roll into long dowels. Cut to the gnocchi size length you are after.
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