When making the Au Gratin potatoes ahead of time, where would be a good place to keep them warm besides the oven

Sue Van Hoose


Sue V. December 28, 2012
Thank you! Great ideas!
LisaMC December 28, 2012
First I wrap in aluminum foil then usually place on top of a hot saucepan of water on the stove. If you have a cookie cooling rack put in on the pan first then your potato pan on top of that. You can adjust the temp accordingly. But, I have also used a roaster oven on warm, a warming tray,a thermal or insulated grocery bag, and (don't laugh) but a giant clean bath towel wrapped around the pan.
Monita December 28, 2012
If you are planning to serve them within the hour, then you can keep them in a warm place in the kitchen loosely covered with foil.
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