cooking whole turkey in the dutch oven?

I'm brining a small heritage turkey at the moment (about 5lbs) and want to try cooking it in the oval dutch oven with some apples. Any recipe suggestions? Or it won't work out and it''s better to roast it in the oven on the rack?

Daria Faulkner


Merrill S. January 5, 2013
You could try a method similar to this recipe ( brown the skin first, then braise/roast the turkey using a small amount of liquid. Maybe a little hard cider mixed with the broth to play off the apples?
Daria F. January 5, 2013

I ended up just roasting it for an hour and then finishing with a cider in a Dutch oven. haven't tried yet, but should be good!
Tganks for the idea, I'll definitely try it!
thirschfeld January 5, 2013
It depends on what you are looking for as an end result. If you plan to cook it in the Dutch oven stove top you will have to braise it or the skin most likely will burn before the interior is cooked through. I cook lots of things in the Dutch oven in the oven but I am not sure you will get the skin brown and crispy because the Dutch oven sides might be too high.
Daria F. January 5, 2013
I'm looking for something new to try. I thought about the lack if the crispy skin, but shouldn't it turn out more juicy and moist? I was thinking about braising all the sides first and then nestle it it in the apples, onion, carrots and maybe some broth, cover and move to the oven ... but may be turkey is not the best thing to cook this way?
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