Brining Turkey Drumsticks? Don't know what else to ask.

Should I brine turkey drumsticks? I am not cooking the whole turkey. Any suggestions for BBQ or oven roasting would be greatly appreciated. Happy Thanksgiving. I'm a big dark meat fan, and I already bought drumsticks for 12.

  • Posted by: erin
  • November 15, 2023


Gammy November 15, 2023
My best guess, and I don't know for sure, but I would guess that any turkey drumsticks you would purchase in a regular grocery store would come from regular commercial turkeys that are already injected with that "flavor enhancer". Unknown is whether the turkeys are injected all over, including the drums, or whether the injections are limited to the breast area..... Sorry, not much help here..... any way you could do a trial run and brine/roast one drum between now and T-day? .
erin November 16, 2023
I'm going to try roasting one and brining one. Thank you, good idea.
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