I'm horribied I left a sealed ham on the counter for 2 days

I likely know the answer, but any chance this is edible? A spiral cut boneless 3 lb vaccume sealed smithfield.com ham with natural juices. I'm sick over it because it is planned for appetizer tonight for a fried chicken and mac n cheese dinner. I thought mini biscuits (possibly sweet potatoe) with ham and honey mustard would be fun. Now what? Just biscuits and maybe some brown sugar bacon would be good. I had the ham at 1/2 off and don't think there is any left, even at full price. So bummed don't know what to do. (sorry if repeat, my first post disappeared)



ChefJune January 19, 2013
I sure hope you didn't serve it.
boulangere January 19, 2013
I'm sure your evening was lovely! And things like this always make a good story. Later.
nutcakes January 19, 2013
I have 4 dogs in the house right now but the stuff was wrapped in netting, foil and vaccume sealed!

I have a 1/2 pound of bacon in the freezer so I am making brown sugar bacon scones and likely some cheese scones. Now I have a plan.
boulangere January 19, 2013
You need some pets! In my house, they're the best reminder ever to put food away. Biscuits and bacon sound wonderful as an appetizer.
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