Pressure cooker recipes
I just received my first pressure cooker as a gift. I know I can make beans and pot roast with it. Does any one have any good recipe suggestions? Or could point me towards a good cookbook? Thanks!
TheVeggieQueenFebruary 5, 2013
Lorna Sass is my pressure cooking mentor. I have been teaching pressure cooking for 17 years. I love it so much that I wrote a cookbook The New Fast Food: The Veggie Queen Pressure Cooks Whole Food Meals in Less than 30 Minutes.
I can help with bean cooking but not meat cooking. Here is a video of me cooking beans in the pressure cooker:
I almost always presoak my beans. Black, pinto, kidney, small white beans take about 6 minutes at pressure.
I can help with bean cooking but not meat cooking. Here is a video of me cooking beans in the pressure cooker:
I almost always presoak my beans. Black, pinto, kidney, small white beans take about 6 minutes at pressure.
susan G.February 4, 2013
Lorna Sass is 'my' expert -- Cooking Under Pressure. I found an excellent blog/website yesterday which is full of innovative recipes:
I haven't been very adventurous with the pressure cooker, but use it regularly.
I haven't been very adventurous with the pressure cooker, but use it regularly.
cratecookingFebruary 4, 2013
My family has been cooking from "The Pressure Cooker" Cookbook by Toula Patsalis since it's debut in 1990. I can attest that after 20 plus years of enjoying her recipes that they are easy, straightforward and DELICIOUS! Amazon has some fabulous deals on the earlier editions.
FutureChefFebruary 4, 2013
Stealing a recommendation from Harold McGee and Dave Arnold: 'cook under pressure' (beware not Keller's 'under pressure' because that's about sous vide. Also I highly recommend watching their (2011) Harvard food and science lecture. They talk about pressure cooking starting at the 19 minute mark. That particular episode is available on but all o te lectures are available on iTunes for free.
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