vodka-bergamot infusion

I bought a bergamot orange, removed the zest in strips with a veg. peeler, and put the zest in a 200ml bottle of vodka to infuse; it's been there about 3 days. The fruit itself is still in the fridge; can I use the juice? How long should I infuse, and how can I use the infusion? Thanks.



Droplet February 4, 2013
I can only imagine how great it smells. Perhaps you could also make a dressing for salads as a savory variation, that would stretch the enjoyment over a bit longer.
creamtea February 5, 2013
That's a nice idea, I also was thinking of a simple creamy sauce for pasta.
creamtea February 4, 2013
thanks again, hla, what great ideas!
Maedl February 4, 2013
Where did you find bergamot?
creamtea February 4, 2013
Fairway gets all kinds of amazing specialty citrus. Had to try it...
creamtea February 4, 2013
Thanks bigpan and hardlikearmour. Curious how I can use it; not only for cocktails (actually I've never made a cocktail in my life) but for cooking applications, or even dessert.
hardlikearmour February 4, 2013
How about an Earl Grey panna cotta, pudding, or sorbet? Or a bit of it with sugar to macerate strawberries for shortcake?
creamtea February 4, 2013
Thanks bigpan and hardlikearmour. Curious how I can use it; not only for cocktails (actually I've never made a cocktail in my life) but for cooking applications, or even dessert.
hardlikearmour February 4, 2013
Taste a tiny bit of the vodka to see when it's ready. Citrus tends to infuse rather quickly, so I'd start checking soon. I did a tangelo and thyme infused bourbon, and think it was ready in a week or so.
bigpan February 4, 2013
Yes, use the juice now.
The infusion will get better with age - don't expect much until at least 3 or 4 weeks ... and then it will get stronger as it ages.
I make fig infused vodka and it is about 6 months old and is great. I top the bottle up with fresh vodka so it is always got reasonable flavor.
creamtea February 4, 2013
Figgy vodka, what a nice idea!
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