Trying to trace cookbook

We bought a book in Waterstones in Bristol UK about 1996. It was on American cooking and excellent. It is in storage in Madrid and we miss it but can't recall title. It was by a lady, in hardback and had different sections. some had subtitles like: America's Sweet Tooth; Eating on the Move; The Melting Pot. A few recipes were Lobster Lasagne; Meatloaf with a sweet and sour glaze. Navarjo fry bread Lemon bars and loads of regional stuff from Gumbo to San Fransisco Cioppino made with salmon. Anyone know it?

Neil Grimmett


Maedl February 11, 2013
Another thought: since you bought the boOk at Waterstones, give them a try. I'd go to their monster shop near Trafalgar Square.
Maedl February 11, 2013
Have you tried Books for Cooks in London. It is in Notting Hill, so even if they don't know the book, you can still get a very tasty lunch there and spend a few hours browsing the store as well as the travel book store across the street.
Neil G. February 11, 2013
Many thanks to everyone for trying. But to you sir, a million of them. This is the book!!! Cannot wait to find a copy and say his to some old friends! Great site!
Mike L. February 11, 2013
Is it this?
Neil G. February 10, 2013
Thanks everyone. Not finding it yet but will give Janet Jarvits a call and see if she can help. It may have been given a new more 'English appealing' title; though Waterstones did sell a lot of original US books (just repriced with £ for $ equiv!). I do recall she'd done a lot of work into finding the perfect pizza dough and had come up with a wholemeal combination?
Sadassa_Ulna February 9, 2013
Could it be "American Food: A Celebration" by Joanne Weir ?
Diana B. February 9, 2013
Long shot, but phone Janet Jarvits of Janet Jarvits Bookseller, a used cookbook store in Pasadena, CA, (626) 296-1638. She might recognize it from your description.
Neil G. February 9, 2013
Still no joy. But finding some interesting alternatives. It was defintely an American author. Going to check out Bet of American in case the version in last message has US cover and we had one made for UK. Many thanks, Neil
kg February 9, 2013
mrslarkin February 9, 2013
Here's another possibility: Best of America
jmburns February 9, 2013
I have a book by Paul Prudhomme called "Seasoned Amerrica". It his take on regional dishes I believe I make a Meatloaf with Sweet and Sour sauce from it and Navajo fry bread and San Francisco Ciopinno I know he is not a smiling Lady by any means burst they have it used from 99 cents.
amysarah February 9, 2013
You say it was 'on American cooking' - but do you recall whether the author was American or English (and/or in which country it was published)?
pierino February 9, 2013
It's quite possible that the book you are describing falls in the "value" category and there are quite a few English publishers who do this. I used to work in the industry. In the US these books are almost always sold out front on the promotional or remainder tables. Sometimes they are good, other times they are pulled together from multiple sources and reassembled.
cookbookchick February 9, 2013
Look up American Home Cooking by Frances Cleary published in 1993 on Amazon and see if that looks familiar. Big, comprehensive book. And one of the two reviewers mentions lemon bars.
cookbookchick February 9, 2013
Was it new when you bought it or used?
Tarragon February 9, 2013
Was it a book published in UK for Britons on American cooking as ethnic cooking (like Chinese, etc.)? (as opposed to an American author?)
Neil G. February 9, 2013
Don't think celeb chef. No names ring a bell. Beautifully illustrated book, including history and regions. Other recipes are turkey with a lime/ginger dressing (pic of this one) and pumpkin cake with a cream cheese/icing sugar topping.
cookbookchick February 9, 2013
Searching's library for the recipes you mention, I get no results that sound like the book you are describing. More clues, please!
sexyLAMBCHOPx February 9, 2013
This is like a game. Post more clues if you can. Would you recognize the name of the chef? Like Sara Moulton, Alice Waters Ina Gardner or Paula Deen?
sexyLAMBCHOPx February 9, 2013
Do you recall what the lady looked like, if there was a photo of her featured?
Neil G. February 9, 2013
Short hair, quite a ' full round' face, light brown hair. I think she lectured; and did include a recipe from her Mother-in-law who was something like Mary Allen and the recipe a warm potato salad.
sexyLAMBCHOPx February 9, 2013
so she wasn't a celebrity type, for example on TV?
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