Basic suet crust recipe for English style meat pies?

Making a meat pie right now, but can't find my suet crust recipe. I think it was flour, salt, suet and water, but what ratios? Making 4 small meat pies, or 2 large ones, both top and bottom crust.

Please help quick. The filling will be ready in about an hour, and I need to get these in the oven for tonight's dinner.

I have both ground suet and lard, don't mind a recipe for either so long as it goes well with beef and onions.



trampledbygeese February 19, 2013
ug, the crust didn't turn out all that good at all. Anyone got another recipe for a suet or lard crust for the top of meat pies?
trampledbygeese February 19, 2013
Thanks Hilarybee, I'll give it a google. I love boiled crusts for standing meat pies.

I ended up going with a not-too-rich Mrs Beeton recipe. 1cup flour, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/3cup (Mrs B-- asks for 1/2 to 2/3cup but I find it too rich) suet, and water to texture. Worked out pretty well. But the proof of the pie is in the eating, so I will have to wait and see what they say come dinner time.
Hilarybee February 19, 2013
I can't get the recipe through the spam blocker--
but I really like Paul Hollywood's Hot Water Pastry Crust on the BBC Food site.
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