oven temp adjustment for pyrex

When cooking in pyrex, do I adjust the oven temperature up or down (I can't remember)?

Kristen W.


ChefOno February 27, 2013

A sudden change in temperature is what breaks glass, not the temperature per se. Failure to preheat the oven is the most common cause. Remember back in Chem Lab heating Pyrex flasks with a Bunsen burner?

LLStone February 27, 2013
I've recently had a couple of pyrex explode in the oven. I think it shouldn't be more than 375 degrees - I recall mine exploding around 400.

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bigpan February 27, 2013
I drop the oven temp 25F when I use glass containers.
Kristen W. February 26, 2013
Ah, I guess I misremembered. Thanks!
HalfPint February 26, 2013
No oven temp adjustment needed as far as I know. Just avoid adding really cold (like right out of the freezer)into a hot oven. Here's the pyrex guidelines for use,http://www.pyrexware.com/index.asp?pageId=32
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