This isn't a question at all, but I didn't know where else to post it, so here it goes:
I just want to say that, this Thursday, I will be giving thanks for the Food52 website and its amazing community of cooks. Amanda and Merrill, thank you for this wonderful place where we can gather together and share recipes, experience and friendship. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!

  • Posted by: Rhonda35
  • November 24, 2010


mrslarkin November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! It's been really fun hanging out with fellow food fanatics.

Today, I made this:
It's amazing! (okay, i cheated and did not make my own french fried onions)

and this, with rum and gingersnaps (also amazing):

and 3 flavors of jello, too!

Not cooking anything else. Going to mother-in-law's for the rest!
healthierkitchen November 24, 2010
Many thanks to all the talented and generous food52 cooks! My Friday afternoon buffet will be full of food52 recipes - Oui, Chef's gingered fig cranberry chutney, Merrill's Tuscan onion confit, AntoniaJames' butternut squash and parsnip puree. And Mrswheelbarrow's challah stuffing will be my contribution (for a second year) to Thanksgiving dinner at my brother and sister-in-law's house.
susan G. November 24, 2010
Help, help me Rhonda -- and all you other Foodpickle fans -- you are so generous and thoughtful with the comments and advice. Here to learn and share!
aargersi November 24, 2010
Hear hear! I too am serving several Food52 recipes .. a rundown of what everyone made from the site would be fun! Thanks to ALL of you for making me a better cook!
Kayb November 24, 2010
I'm with you! In fact, I'm using four Food52 recipes tomorrow -- green bean casserole, steamed cranberry molasses pudding, curried fruit and chocolate saffron pots de creme, so I expect my guests and I will be VERY thankful for Food52! Would love to see a thread on which Food52 recipes everyone used over the holiday. Thank you, A&M, for the chance to get "together" with so many like-minded cooks!
testkitchenette November 24, 2010
Food52 makes me happy in so many ways, thank you Rhonda for reminding me! And Happy Thanksgiving to a truly amazing and gifted group of cooks and story tellers! Thank you Amanda and Merrill for providing us a platform to share with each other!
drbabs November 24, 2010
I feel exactly the same way. Thanks for expressing it, Rhonda, and Happy Thanksgiving.
TiggyBee November 24, 2010
I love this sentiment and know just how you feel!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
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