I like the taste of caraway in irish soda bread. How much would I add for a loaf this size?

Irish Soda Bread With Raisins
Recipe question for: Irish Soda Bread With Raisins


Grossvater March 14, 2013
I too love caraway and would start with 3 Tbsp then adjust after the first go
Pegeen March 13, 2013
Hi Karen, it's Pegeen, who posted the recipe. For this recipe, if using both raisins and caraway in the same loaf, I'd reduce the raisins to 1 cup or 2/3 cup, and use 1 Tablespoon of caraway seed or less (depending on how much you like caraway). I love this question because it reminded me of my grandmother's answer and so telling of the modesty of the time: you can wear sequins or patent leather, but not both.
LeBec F. March 14, 2013
unless you are Dorothy, of course! :-}
calendargirl March 13, 2013
I usually add between 2 and 3 tablespoons caraway seeds to my soda bread recipe, which uses 5 cups flour. This one has a bit less flour,so why not start with 2 tablespoons and see how you like it. The raisins and caraway seeds are so great together! You'll have a great loaf.
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