Adding veggies to bread
Years ago, a vendor at my local farmer's market sold what she called "Veggie Bread". My memory is a bit foggy, but I think it was a white loaf or possibly it had some whole wheat in it, and you could see small flecks of red, orange, yellow, green throughout the loaf.
This was a yeast bread -- not a quick bread (like a zucchini loaf) -- and I'd like to see if I can make something similar to what the vendor made and sold.
Does anyone have a recipe for a bread like this, or could make a suggestion as to the upper limit for how much veggies to put in a loaf before it negatively impacts the rise?
Thank you.
I often knead solids in for flavor/color when preparing the dough for the second rise. That way, the additions don't interfere with the chemistry of the yeast-sugar-water-salt if using. And I can get a better sense (both visually and by weight/texture) of how much I want to add.
If you're using a single ingredient, it's sometimes fun and useful to put a slice or piece of it on the top of a loaf a roll just before baking, so when done it indicates what's inside.
See King Arthur site (which Lori also referenced) for many good recipes incorporating vegetables into bread.