baking in glassware: any difference in oiling and flouring?

I know that I should lower the temperature of the recipe by 25 degrees when baking in glassware. Is there any difference in oiling and flouring (to a tin pan)? Can I just brush the pan with melted butter, without flouring?

  • Posted by: mirileh
  • April 21, 2013


petitbleu April 23, 2013
I really like the Cook's Illustrated method of mixing softened butter with flour--sort of a paste--then smearing it on your pan. This works wonders for cakes that tend to stick (hello bundt pan nightmares), and it doesn't leave that film on your cakes that usually comes with buttering and flouring.
HalfPint April 22, 2013
Oiling (or buttering) and flouring will make a difference in cakes like angel food. In this case, the flour gives the batter something to cling to as it rises. It does not matter whether it's a tin pan or glass.
Monita April 22, 2013
When you melt butter you are separating the butter and creating water. So when you brush the pan with the melted butter you aren't getting the benefit of the fat coating it. This can also impact the rest of your ingredients if you are coating the pan with just butter without the addition of flour
mirileh April 22, 2013
Monita, why softened butter instead of melted butter?
SeaJambon April 21, 2013
Monita - why? I'm curious. I've used both and haven't noticed a difference, so am wondering what I'm missing... (unfortunately for me, that is something I frequently wonder!)
Monita April 21, 2013
I agree with JanetFL and would add that you should use softened butter as opposed to melted butter for greasing
JanetFL April 21, 2013
I prepare both glass and tin baking dishes the same way - grease them with butter or oil and then flour them.
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