Lemon Vinegar - I recently bought a bottle of Vinagire de Citron by Huilerie Beaujolaise, truly the most amazing bottle of vinegar I had ever bought,
Truly the most amazing bottle of vinegar I every bought but at a big price of $49 a bottle! I want to make this and have been searching the web for inspiration on how to get started with such fabulous fruit vinegars. Anyone out there have any tips?
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Just a thought
I know a site where the vinegars are way way cheaper. Also here is an article on the lemon vinegar and several other vinegars as well. The raspberry vinegar is my personal favorite.
I know a site where the vinegars are way way cheaper. Also here is an article on the lemon vinegar and several other vinegars as well. The raspberry vinegar is my personal favorite.
There's a nice website on fermentation in general that doesn't seem to have anything on citrus vinegars, but it's written by a FOOD52er, and maybe she'd have some insights. The blog is called Phickle, http://phickle.com/?page_id=180. (Sorry, I can't remember her FOOD52 name.)