Recommendation for outdoor gas grill
Does anyone have a favorite brand of outdoor gas grill? Weber seems like one of the top ones but I'm unsure of what else is out there of comparable quality. Any recs on key features to look for in a grill as well would be great - I'm a grilling newbie!
bugbittenMay 31, 2013
We mostly use our Weber Q, which is the smallish, Jetson-like one. It only has a horizontal center burner and a large wrap-around burner so you need to adapt those flame side/cool side recipes. This is simple because the beauty of a gad grill is that you can turn it down!
You can easily make dinner for eight on the Q, so why buy more grill than you need?
You can easily make dinner for eight on the Q, so why buy more grill than you need?
healthierkitchenMay 29, 2013
After many years of using Weber kettle grill with hardwood, we bought a Weber Genesis as well. I'm pleased that an expert such as Steven Raichlen recommends it! We've been very happy with ours and though I like stainless steel, we got a grey one, instead, which saved some money. I like how easy it is to start and I like having a side burner as we tend to lose power where I live (I also keep a spare filled propane tank for the same reason).
Steven R.May 28, 2013
Weber Summit for high end; Weber Genesis for mid range. Both are well made and will last years.
hardlikearmourMay 28, 2013
I also recommend Weber. We've had ours for at least 15 years, and other than some minor refurbishment, it's been great!
HalfPintMay 28, 2013
I would recommend Weber for a number of reasons. They make good grills and as a newbie, it makes sense for you to start on something simpler. That way you can learn and decide what you like for a grill and upgrade later. Weber parts and accessories are carried at most stores (e.g. Home Depot, Lowe's, etc) and their grills are usually warranted for about 10 years. They have the nicest Customer Service. We recently did an overhaul on parts for our trusty, 10+ yr-old, "Webby". It needed a bunch of new things like a new cover. We called CS to order parts, and the rep sent us a new cover "under warranty" even though Webby had to be more than 10 years old and we no longer had the receipt.
savorthisMay 28, 2013
We just bought a Saber which is infared and can use propane or natural gas getting up to 800 degrees. It has four separate burners (though they have smaller ones too) which allows for a variety of temperature control. The burners are covered so you can sprinkle wood pellets or chips right on top for smoke and it is really insulated so gets some good convection. It's true stainless and has a lifetime warranty on stainless and 10 years on the guts. I think because their parent company is Char-Broil they have greater access to parts etc. thus they make pretty sweet grills in their price range. We had previously made do with a rusty old grill we've had for 14 years so this is an exciting investment. More once we've settled in with it a bit.
bigpanMay 28, 2013
I suggest stainless steel with a back burner for rotisserie. Propane is hotter than natural gas. Webber claims their patented lid gives better heat, but decide if you are going to grill meats (lid pen) or "bake" meats (lid down). Therefore pick the unit which best serves what you are using it for. In due time the brand name will burn off and what really matters is if you can due medium rare versus medium. Also consider the grate - iron versus stainless steel versus coated whatever. I go with stainless - which discolors but does not stain.
Los T.May 28, 2013
I always been a fan of webber. But I enjoy members mark.
pierinoMay 28, 2013
If you are determined to use gas, go for it. That said my preference is always for real wood. The afore mentioned Big Green Egg is excellent. Personally I think propane is a pain in the butt. But more than that wood smokes contributes a flavor you will never achieve with gas.
dymnynoMay 28, 2013
I always have a gas fired bbq in addition to my Big Green Egg and I've tried a lot of different ones. First decide if this is your one and only and how big a grill you need/want. I have used quite a few Webers of all sizes and they are adequate. I flirted with a monster Viking that was gorgeous(and mine for wine trade), but I ended up buying a Bull online that I am very happy with. I love my BGE and my wood burning outdoor oven, but I love being able to fire up a BBQ to use immediately.
jmburnsMay 28, 2013
I have owned several gas grills and currently have a char-broil infra-red gas grill from Home Depot. I am very pleased with it and the level of temperature control I get from it. I think it was around $300 but they have less expensive ones available. It has a side burner for sauces and such that I rarely use.
They should be having sales right before Father's Day and look for a discounted floor model they may be clearing out.
They should be having sales right before Father's Day and look for a discounted floor model they may be clearing out.
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