lentils and rice
I have a recipe that is basically lentils, rice and onions. When I try to make it, I find I either over cook the lentils so the rice will get tender so it comes out mushy (I'm still working on my timing). The other problem is that it ends up dry, because both the lentils and rice keep absorbing the water after I take it off the heat.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to cook lentils and rice together without it becoming mushy or too dry?
There is a more complex dish, khoshari, which adds pasta and chick peas as well as tomatoes and spices, to the mix--look for a khoshari recipe in Egyptian sources as well.
I'm yet to find a solution to your second problem. I don't think it's easy to prevent the rice and lentils from goinf dry. Try to cover the vessel so as prevent the steam from going out...