Marinating after grilling

I read an article a couple of weeks ago (can't remember where now) that said for marinades intended to add flavor to things you plan on grilling, you can skip the "at least 4 hours ideally overnight" instructions and give the food a short soak in the marinade AFTER you've grilled it (I'd still season the food prior to grilling). Has anyone heard of doing this or done it? Does it work? Is it better to brush a marinade on while grilling even though I didn't do the overnight soak? I'm just trying to make up for my lack of planning this week....



beejay45 July 20, 2013
Why doesn't the guy who came up with this just dry the meat off. It's just like letting chicken air dry in the fridge before frying so the skin gets crispy. If you didn't have time to marinate, then maybe, but I think I'd heat the marinade up and thicken with a little cornstarch or arrowroot to make it more of a sauce. It seems like wetting down a nice piece of properly grilled meat is defeating the whole purpose of the exercise -- that nice crispy char on the outside. ;)
MTMitchell June 14, 2013
I think I'll stick with marinating before for tenderizing and things that might take time to absorb the flavors and use the post-grilling dunk for when I haven't been the best planner.
~Suze June 12, 2013
SInce the acid element in a marinade (vingar, lemon, or wine) breaks down the sinew and tenderizes the meat (thus, the longer the better in most cases); I would be hesitant to use the "post" marinade technique on any tougher cuts of meat. Yet, if you're simply using it to flavor the meat then go for it!
I typically marinade before hand, reserving a bit of the liquid to thicken and brush over the meat while cooking.
Steven R. June 12, 2013
It's not better or worse. Just different. The Japanese dry grill yakitori half way through (enough to sear the outside), then plunge the skewers in a soy based marinade called tare. The grilling continues until the chicken is cooked, then the kebabs go for one final dip. Personally, I do most of my marinating before grilling.
MTMitchell June 12, 2013
Probably could just call it a sauce...but calling it "marinade" made me somehow feel like I had my act together more than I really did, and this has been a week where I'm needing the small victories! i tried this last night with chicken breasts and our favorite teriyaki marinade/sauce (which is 1/2 cup soy, 1/2 cup mirin, a lot of ginger, and a little honey...and I added green garlic because I needed to use it up), and it worked out really well. We poked holes in the chicken after it was grilled, and it seemed to really soak up the teriyaki. I couldn't taste the difference between the post-grill marinated chicken and the pre-grill marinated chicken. My husband said he "sort of" could....but if he really could it was a negligible difference.
Why don't they just call it a sauce instead of a marinade? Sounds like re-inventing the wheel!
MTMitchell June 10, 2013
I followed the recipe from Bitten Word/ cooks country for the most part. Subbed shush kebabs for skirt steak (what I had on hand) and green garlic for scallions and garlic (what I had). It was really good. We will definitely be doing this little trick again. Tomorrow night in fact with chicken and our favorite teriyaki marinade. One small thing I'd do differently -- less oil. It didn't seem to need as much as the recipe called for, to us. But all in all really good and will be something I turn to when I haven't been organized enough to do the 24 hour advance planning. Actually I'm gong to try this with other marinades and see how it works. Thanks all!
sexyLAMBCHOPx June 10, 2013
I just visited the blog, (my 1st time & looks great, btw),and the method looks very good. It like that you can serve the steak with the marinade, safety & easily on the side. I grill a lot of skirt steak year round. Making the recipe this week.
MTMitchell June 10, 2013
Thanks! I think I'm going to try it. Probably can't hurt (I won't use an expensive piece of meat!).
sexyLAMBCHOPx June 10, 2013
MTM - If you make before me can you post back how it tasted?
HinOh June 10, 2013
Sorry, should have also said that Mr. Sauer flipped the process because he was frustrated that marinated meats seemed to steam rather than get a sear because of the moisture from the marinade. The Bitten Word guys loved it.
HinOh June 10, 2013
I saw something similar on The Bitten Word blog. The article was about the process by Jeremy Sauer at Cook's Country (June/July 2012). You season the steak, grill it and then put it inside room temperature marinade for five minutes. They say that the process is "best suited for a skirt steak." I haven't tried it yet but would like to.
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