Cast Iron Grill

Afternoon! I have a cast iron grill pan (, which I love, but I'm having a hard time keeping it seasoned. I've been working at it the same way I seasoned my cast iron skillet (which is doing great), but this grill, not so much. Should I strip it and start over? Any tips for keeping it seasoned (verses the skillet? I'm assuming the ridging is part of the problem). Thanks!



Sam1148 August 8, 2013
Use a Plastic loose netting scoring pad and your salt.
healthierkitchen August 8, 2013
I have had the same problem. I just bought an OXO grill pan brush which I hope will help with the "scrubbing" as I find that my regular pad doesn't get into the ridges. Supposedly this will. Haven't tried it yet, but if it works well, I'll let you know.
Anastasia August 8, 2013
How often do you reseason it?
Anastasia August 8, 2013
Yes, it's preseasoned, but I didn't take that to actually mean anything, so I seasoned it with oive oil (which I cook with), and hen I tried vegetable oil. And no, I never use soap and water, just water and Kosher salt if I have to do so.
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