Where can I get heirloom tomatoes in Brooklyn at a good price. My local store is charging $6.99 lb.

James Durazzo


ChefJune August 10, 2013
Farmers don't haggle. They'll take the leftovers home and make jam to sell the next week!

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susan G. August 10, 2013
See the linked article on questions not to ask at a farmers market (http://civileats.com/2013/08/08/four-questions-you-should-never-ask-at-a-farmers-market/). Most farmers do not discount or haggle at the end of the day. Face it, they have to earn a living.
Shuna L. August 8, 2013
If you walk around any farmers market you'll see prices ranging from $2 - $8#. This depends on the costs that each farmer faces, how much they irrigate, etc. Also if you can stand to use "2nds" you can buy loarger amounts at a discounted price. Farmers are more likely to haggle at the end of the day.
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