I just got a lot of turnips in my CSA bag. I also got a good amount of scallions/green onions. Do you think I could replace leeks with scallions?...

...Or would the scallions be too strong tasting? Thanks as always for your help



CarlaCooks August 17, 2013
Final verdict: the scallions were lovely in the soup! I used 6 rather large scallions, tops and bottoms, and they weren't overwhelming. You should give it a try if you find yourself with turnips and scallions. Thanks for all of your input!
CarlaCooks August 15, 2013
Thanks for all of your reassurances! I am going to give it a go. I have one really big bunch of scallions, so I think I'll use those to replace the three small leeks (the scallions have such a bolder taste that I think it will work fine to replace the leeks with a smaller quantity of scallions). I'll write back on Saturday to let you know how it tasted :)
loubaby August 14, 2013
I would go by weight myself....and leeks vary so in size...2 large or 3 medium weigh 1 1/4 lb...so I would use the same amount of green onions...
ChefJune August 14, 2013
sounds like a winner to me!
sexyLAMBCHOPx August 14, 2013
Sounds like a tasty substitute to me.
petitbleu August 14, 2013
I think you could definitely replace the leeks with scallions. The soup will taste different, but not in a bad way. The recipe calls for 3 leeks, so you'll have to approximate the amount of scallions that would be the equivalent of 3 leeks--maybe 3 bunches of scallions?
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