
I'm going to attempt to make jambalaya this weekend. I have looked at many recipes. Most of them state to make the white rice separately and pour the jambalaya onto the rice. Others say to make the rice in the jambalaya. Does it matter or is there a proper method to make this dish correctly?



Scottielew August 23, 2013
Ok...so now I need to try it both ways! This sounds so good!
mensaque August 23, 2013
I like it with the rice cooked in the sauce,like my mom does it.My mom is "Jambalaya Queen" and she puts some twists on it too...chicken and crawfish are great but she has made with bacalhau(dry salted cod fish),ground beef,portuguese sausage,and even sliced hot dogs...
LeBec F. August 23, 2013
IMO, alot more flavor when it is saucey and served over rice.
David August 21, 2013
The choice between separate cooked rice is typically whether you prefer more of a wet Jambalaya or dry Jambalaya. The rice will absorb most all of the liquid if cooked with the jambalaya. I like to have more of a sauce that is poured over already cooked rice.
If you want the rice to have lots of flavor you can cook it in chicken stock with a few pieces of andouille sausage and some of the creole spices you use in the jambalaya itself.
Scottielew August 21, 2013
Wow!!! Thank you so much! I have not decide between red or brown but I will!
rosepetalfarm August 21, 2013
One more thing, I was just wondering if you had decided between a red or a brown jambalaya? The red is historically Creole, and the brown is historically Cajun. Historically, of course. Everyones

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rosepetalfarm August 21, 2013
I think that the main difference is knowing your rice. The cooks in southwest Louisiana- home cooks, diner cooks, cafeteria cooks, line cooks- they know their rice. They know exactly how much water to add to that big pan, with a little bit of rice, simply by measuring it to the knuckle before putting it in the steamer or cooking in the oven or that big propane burner. Mushy, overcooked rice is a sin down here. To avoid that, cook your rice separately. If you know exactly how much liquid (combined- stock, tomatoes and water) that will yield perfectly cooked rice, go for it! All the flavors will get absorbed by the rice, like a good paella (the origin of jambalaya). The preferred rice for jambalaya down here is usually a medium-grain rice, which is widely grown around Lafayette, LA, the heart of Cajun country. The cooks really know their rice there! The medium grain rice available usually does best with 1 1/3 to 1 1/2 water to 1 cup rice. Don't forget the salt if you cook it separately. Enjoy!
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