I have never cooked Japanese eggplant and need guidance. I would appreciate a recipe.
boulangereSeptember 17, 2013
I thought of your question when I came across this lovely article this morning. It is a conversation between 2 doyennes of Chinese cooking in this country. It contains a recipe for Eggplant in Garlic Sauce that I'm looking forward to trying. Like tonight. It calls for Japanese Eggplant because it is longer, thinner, and has therefore a smaller seed cavity.
aargersiSeptember 16, 2013
Check out the eggplant article on the main page today ... good stuff!!!
vvvanessaSeptember 16, 2013
I've been making versions of this lately. It's super easy and tasty.
Louisa M.September 15, 2013
Is it cheating to post a Food52 recipe as an answer to a Food52 question? Maybe, I don't know, but I tried this the other night and it was amazing - I'd definitely recommend it. http://www.buzzfeed.com...
Tyson A.September 15, 2013
Treat it just like regular eggplant, although it may not need salting if it isn't bitter. Just slice and tempura fry it, it's Japanese after all!
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