Oops. I don't have cake flour, just all purpose! Will it still work for my cake?

  • Posted by: Morgan
  • September 21, 2013


Rima November 14, 2013
Measure a cup of all purpose flour, then remove 2tbs and replace with corn flour/starch! Sift about 4-5 times and use as cake flour

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sfmiller September 21, 2013
Probably, although you'll get a somewhat less tender result with AP flour. If you have cornstarch on hand, this substitution works: For each cup of cake flour called for, start with a cup of AP flour, take out two tablespoons, and add two tablespoons cornstarch (put another way, for each cup of cake flour, use 7/8 cup AP flour plus 1/8 cup cornstarch).

Since the cornstarch has no gluten, the effect is to lower the protein content of the mixture, making it similar to cake flour.
Diana B. September 21, 2013
This chart says just to reduce the amount of AP flour somewhat: http://allrecipes.com/howto/common-ingredient-substitutions/ But what you really need is for boulangere (Cynthia) to drop by and give you the real scoop!
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