Looking for Food52 appetizers, similar to these Blue Cheese Fig Savouries, which have dough that can be frozen well in advance. . .
then easily baked/prepped on the day of the event. Here's the link to the Savouries (which are our go-to crowd pleasing pre-big-party-meal nibbles): http://food52.com/recipes.... Just looking for other ideas. Thank you. ;o)
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Dorie Greenspan's cheeze-it like crackers are also really wonderful (and crazy easy/fast) to make. I make a lot at a time, roll the dough into tubes, wrap the tubes and pop them in the freezer. The day before I want to cook some, I'll transfer a tube from the freezer to the fridge. The recipe is in Dorie's Around My French Table cookbook, but you can also find it online. Happy cooking!
While not dough like and frozen. You can certainly use frozen shrimp and make up the liquid portion a couple of days in advance. Then Boil the peeled shrimp. (or use steamed shrimp, peeled from the supermarket) the night before. Pack it into a apothecary jar and put the liquids and aromatics over it.....and this must be done the night before.
You could up the savory of the shrimp by using a bit of Zatarains liquid shrimp boil in the water. The liquid is a bit more smoker and hotter, the spice bag is another option.