THEAMED Halloween dinner idea for about 12 people something easy but fun need some good ideas but i cant seem to think of spmething good enou

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Sam1148 October 25, 2013
One question, is this going to be a sit down party? or a buffet type thing. Because you'd have more options and ease with a buffet thing. Even asking some to bring a dish.
And then a party game type thing could happen. And this would give you (or someone) a chance to use that big punch bowl they got for a wedding present and never used. With 12 people for a festive thing. A buffet is always better (or more fun) than a formal sitdown.
Paul,Wise October 26, 2013
Great idea i love it
SeaJambon October 25, 2013
Or -- taken from a different angle -- sometimes, it is all in the name. We dipped fresh mango slices in chocolate and called them "Chilled Monkey Tongues - fresh". You get the idea. Even meatloaf (particularly with a red, ketchup based sauce) could be "Ground Zombie Brains - braised". And just think the fun you could have with tripe! ;) [spare ribs? "Rack of corpse - seared"]
ZombieCupcake October 25, 2013
Murder mystery parties are always fun. People can dress up like from the 1930s and you can make popular dishes from the time.
Sam1148 October 24, 2013
Halloween is always rather Sweet centric. So you should have deserts covered. The problem is savory things.
A beer cheese soup with Popcorn Garnish.
A beet centric salad.
Rice (precooked to just under cooked) and placed in small pumpkins and baked as a 'bowl' for the rice. Or use a large pumpkin stuffed with rice and baked as a center peice. Not baked so long the pumpkin becomes mush just hot enough to finish steaming the rice. And still intact enough to bring to the table.

Main Course: Something with bones in: Lamb Crown cutlets frenched and coated with balsamic vinegar, garlic, rosemary and grilled over open fire.
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