Inspiration for chicken and vegetables

I need to make dinner for me and a friend who has a limited palate. I have a whole cooked chicken, she only likes breast. I have a bag of mixed baby carrot, broccoli, pea pods that needs to be used. Pasta, thin noodles, barley, rice. We have never landed on a stirfry sauce that is any good. She doesn't like ginger or oyster sauce. Or I could do a pasta in parm cream I have cream that needs to be used. I have lemons. I guess I am just uninsprired. I'll start cutting the chicken breasts and see if anyone has an idea, thanks.



nutcakes November 7, 2013
OK I did pasta cream parm broccoli, with LEMON. Just okay, but she got dinner after walking in the door which was the important part.
nutcakes November 7, 2013
Well I think my stirfry or pasta dish sounds a little better. In this case the broth would just be sitting in the bottom of a bowl and run off the chicken and veg. I like the idea of adding lemon though, thanks.
machristi November 7, 2013
Sautée the chicken in a little butter and olive oil. Remove chicken from skillet. Add garlic and salt & pepper. Slice veggies thinly and add to skillet.
Add 1/2 cup chicken broth to hot pan and cover to steam veggies. When veggies are tender, add chicken back in and add some fresh lemon juice. Serve over steamed rice.
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