Ground turkey breast

My wife wants me to make something, tomorrow, with the ground turkey breast we found in the freezer. Im not feeling very inspired and need suggestions. Normally I try to use a good portion of dark meat for a turkey grind, but this is straight up breast.

  • Posted by: Benny
  • December 17, 2013


Sam1148 December 18, 2013
Ground turkey.
Thai Kitchen Red Curry paste.
Cook those together in a soup pot. with a bit of oil and lime zest.

After the turkey is cooked add:
1 can of Coconut milk.
Simmer a bit under it thickens about 10 mins.

Add 1 can of chicken stock.
Simmer about 20 mins.
Finish with fish sauce, and LOTS of lime juice and fresh basil as a garnish and more lime zest for garnish. and lime wedges on the side.

Serve with spring rolls and a thai peanut dipping sauce. Or thai peanut sauce noodles (which can be done with the turkey as a addition if you skip the soup bit).
Kristen W. December 18, 2013
I think ground turkey can do OK in meatloaf b/c you can add lots of veggies -- among other things -- to add moisture and boost flavor.
ZombieCupcake December 18, 2013
Chili is always a good option, or I personally was going to make these as burgers instead of meatball
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