What kind of food would you serve with glogg or mulled wine? While I'm asking, do you have a favorite recipe for glogg or mulled wine?

  • Posted by: askann
  • December 9, 2010


askann December 11, 2010
Thanks for the great feedback!
RespectThePastry December 10, 2010
Some sort of red meat, like a roast with rosemary potatoes or maybe a beef stew.
AntoniaJames December 10, 2010
Definitely cheese with interesting breads . . . . my mother always made limpa (a Swedish rye with anise and orange in it) to serve with glögg at her holiday open houses, along with savory spreads including really nice pâtés, and hearty cheeses. Liptauer -- I posted a recipe for it here, though my mother's includes caraway seeds and paprika -- served with water biscuits and a variety of hearty crackers, was also always served. I like the gravlax suggestion, too. ;o)
rpenovich December 10, 2010
My sister in law serves does a mulled wine party every Christmas in Northumberland, England and she serves miniature mince pies and Stilton. She uses any leftover mulled wine to marinate a pork shoulder with and then slow-roasts that in the Aga for the next day's dinner.

There are a few recipes on Food52 for the Open House contest that would go great with Glogg--salmon gravlax, smoked trout pate.
Sagegreen December 9, 2010
I recently posted a recipe for Wassail with cranberry and wine:
I suggest pairing mulled drinks to a cheese tailored to the kind of wine you use. Going savory, I suggest a cheese and bread direction, rather than sweet.
iuzzini December 9, 2010
We went to a party at a Swedish friend's home last year and he served pickled fishes and crackers, pickled onions, gougeres, some nice sausages and mustard, and delicious cheesey-boozy fondue, and copious holiday cookies . . . I'm not sure other than pickled fish how much was traditional, but all was delicious.
Greenstuff December 9, 2010
There are lots of recipes for glögg. This one, from Classic Scandanavian Cooking by Nika Hazelton, is the one I’ve made most and plan to make this weekend in anticipation for Saint Lucia Day on the 13th.

3 cardamom pods
8 cloves
1 cinnamon stick
1 4-inch strip of orange peel, no pith
1? cup water ¼ cup blanched almonds
½ cup golden raisins
1 bottle red Bordeaux
1 bottle port
½ bottle Cognac

Tie the cardamom pods, cloves, cinnamon, and orange peel in cheesecloth. Place in the water, and bring to a boil. Simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. Add almonds and raisins, and simmer another 10 minutes. Add wine, port, and Cognac. Bring to a quick boil, and remove from the heat. Cool and store, covered overnight. At serving time, remove the spice bag. Reheat the glögg, but do not boil. Add sugar to taste. Serve in warmed mugs or glasses, with a few almonds and raisins in each glass.
beyondcelery December 9, 2010
I make glogg every Christmas and this works really well. I make it with either red wine or with grape juice, for the non-alcohol people. I often have 2 batches going on the stove: one of each.

2-3 cups strong tea (I use an Assam and steep it 5-6min)
1 cup orange juice
5 cups mixed juices or 1 bottle Cabernet red wine (cranberry, apple, and blueberry make it the best)
2 cinnamon sticks
1 tsp crushed allspice berries
2 tsp crushed cardamom seeds
8-10 whole cloves
1 inch fresh ginger, cut into thin rounds
1 whole orange, sliced peel and all into rounds
brown sugar to taste (some people, like my mom, want it sweeter)

Brew your strong tea. While it's going, heat up the juices, whole spices, and fresh ginger in a large pot on the stove over medium heat (or a crock pot). Don't let it boil, especially if you're using wine (you'll boil off the alcohol). Strain in strong tea and float orange slices on the top. Bring it up hot enough to steam, but not to boil. Keep hot at least 1 hour before serving, so the spices have time to mull. That's the minimum time; you can keep it warm all afternoon and it'll be deliciously spicy by evening. Add sugar near serving time if you're using it and make sure it dissolves completely. If you brew it all afternoon, make sure to half-cover it. You may need to add some more tea and/or wine as it will very slowly evaporate.

I serve this with mini quiches, Christmas cookies, and cheese and crackers. Since the brew tends towards the sweet end, I like to pair it with more savory snacks. Pepparkakor are wonderful because they satisfy both the savory and sweet people.
POTATO December 9, 2010
I watched Jamie Oliver make this mulled wine on TV last night. While I haven't tried it myself yet, it's one of the better looking recipes I've seen.
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