Leftover ham

I have a bunch of leftover ham from the holidays. I am looking for a recipe for a casserole or soup anybody to a good one?

  • Posted by: kimhw
  • December 26, 2013


jennyanydots December 29, 2013
I like to dice cooked leftover ham and portion it into either 1-cup or 2-cup freezer bags, little mise en place kits. These mise en place kits can be used in any number of recipes that the other commenters have recommended.
lifeandlarder December 28, 2013
A deep ham pie made in a spring-form tin. Make a rich shortcrust pastry and an onion rich roux. Add a little dry mustard powder and warm milk to make a creamy sauce. Mix enough into about 4 or 5 cups of chopped ham, or in layers) so you get a moist but not wet filling, and pop a pastry lid on. Glaze and bake. It's a rich and filling pie, on a cold night, best served with a crisp green salad for some contrast.
lifeandlarder December 28, 2013
You can freeze ham successfully to use in cooking. Small batches is best.
Make a classic English ham and split (yellow dried) pea soup.
If you had a whole leg ham, you can use the bones to infuse the milk for a classic Spanish potato croquetas.
Use the skin to make a 'lid' for a cassoulet. Perfect for a cold day, it infuses the classic French casserole with a delicious smoky ham flavour.
My dog also loves the skin roasted until hard, dry and super-chewy, but it's super salty so he's on strict rations
CHeeb December 28, 2013
An Italian Muffaletta stuffed sandwich is also a good use of thinly sliced ham,cheese,olive salad,shredded lettuce,and red onion.Stuff all into a soft,warm roll and NJOY.
amysarah December 27, 2013
Any sort of bean or lentil or split pea soup. Also, you could do a Croque-Monsieur or its San Francisco cousin-once removed, a Monte Cristo. Chicken Kiev. Cuban sandwiches. Or just slice, fry until edges are crisp and have ham and eggs - hard to beat.

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Pegeen December 27, 2013
Split pea soup with small chunks of ham, or ham on biscuits along with any soup.
Patti I. December 27, 2013
Red beans and Rice or any type of beans.
LeBec F. December 27, 2013
i'm not sure what 'alot' is- a pound? 3 pounds? i'm trying to think of what you could make and freeze that uses alot of ham. Ideas:
--Ham and cheese(and/or wheatberries or broccoli) crepes with Mornay Sauce. If you don't want to make the crepes, many groc stores sell them allrdy made, or you could use pasta instead of crepes- like a ham and cheese mannicotti. Grind the ham, mix w/ grated gruyere, a little beschamel sauce as a binder; roll up; fill casserole; top w/ sauce, freeze.

-- a strata w/cheese, mushrooms, tomato pesto. strata being layered bread w/ filling and egg milk mixture poured over top, let sit and frozen or baked
casserole w/julienned ham layered w/ thinly sliced potatoes and/ chicken and cheese, swiss chard, cooked wheatberries etc.with milk mixture poured over top.

--jambalaya with ham,sausage,poultry
Pegeen December 27, 2013
Here's one definition of "alot":
luvcookbooks December 26, 2013
This sounds weird, but its delicious. Grind up the ham with pickles and bind with a little bit of mayo or some other creamy thing. Delicious on rye bread or crackers. Add chopped celery, spring onions, chopped red peppers, and whatever else .... great picnic food if you live in the southern part of the country.
MTMitchell December 27, 2013
You can add grated cheese (any kind that you like with ham) and some mustard to that mix, put it on rolls (I've found that super crusty ones don't work as well as, say, old school hamburger buns), wrap the sandwiches in foil, and put them in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes or so. They come out all toasty and melty. Sounds weird but it's so, so good. They freeze really well too and you can bake them from frozen.
Pegeen December 27, 2013
Meg - yes, deviled ham! (The poor man's paté.) Also good on white bread for school lunches. And with cornichon pickles.
sexyLAMBCHOPx December 28, 2013
Ham salad - classic sandwich filling with many variations.
Dave O. December 26, 2013
Homemade scalloped potatoes and ham. Or have a brunch with homemade ham biscuits.
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