The TV Dinner Challange.
Using a sectional microwaveable or oven proof dinner plate. Make a balanced meal. TV dinner style. Something to be frozen...and reheated for a meal.
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Using a sectional microwaveable or oven proof dinner plate. Make a balanced meal. TV dinner style. Something to be frozen...and reheated for a meal.
I like to take it out if the freezer and into the fridge in the morning. Then into a 400 degree oven for just 18-20 minutes. It's healthy, flavorful and satisfying.
If you have suggestions for cook ware and sectional divided dishes...freezing techniques. Post them!
Okay. Using New Years Eve leftovers.
Baked Ham with a sauce and a pineapple ring in main section. Candied Yams or mashed potatoes in the other (sub black eyed peas with a frozen compound butter for a starch option).
Hummm...collards or kale might not freeze well. How about blanched green beans with compound butter.