Bought a beautiful bunch of carrots at Fresh Market today but have no idea what to do with the lovely green tops. I've never seen such gorgeous greens on carrots and I know there has to be a way to use them. Suggestions, please!
pauljosephDecember 12, 2010
FernDecember 11, 2010
Mrs. Larkin: They ARE too floppy for a flower arrangement but they sure would work to garnish a platter, and that's precisely what I will do tomorrow when I take a layered cheese terrine to a Christmas party!!!! Thanks for the suggestion.
Drbabs: I only recently joined this website, so appreciate your referring me to this topic in the past......I suppose I could have checked first......
Drbabs: I only recently joined this website, so appreciate your referring me to this topic in the past......I suppose I could have checked first......
TiggyBeeDecember 11, 2010
Let me clarify that...they're way earlier than the 80's which is why I think the yeast measurements are outdated!
TiggyBeeDecember 11, 2010
mrsl...can you advise me on yeast? Being the supreme baker that you are, I'm in a pickle!! I think my Grandmother's roll recipe has too much yeast in it. Her measurements are quite possibly not up to date. They're from the 80's. Sorry to intrude on this thread, but I'm in semi crisis mode.
mrslarkinDecember 11, 2010
well, before you throw them out, why not use them in a flower arrangement first? Or are they too floppy?
drbabsDecember 11, 2010
This was a foodpickle topic a while back. The consensus is throw them out. Check out the thread here:
TiggyBeeDecember 11, 2010
There are two schools of thought here and I've been on both sides. Some people think they are mildly toxic and some suggest to use them in stock. I'm only speaking from experience here, but as gorgeous as they may be, I discard them. Sorry if I've rained on your parade.
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