
In Holland I ate one of the most delicious breads. I think it's called Sugarbread. It's a rich loaf marbled with caramelized sugar and butter.
Has anyone had it?
Any good recipes for it out there?



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Superyalda January 21, 2014
OK, with Chris' help I've found a plethora of Suikerbrood recipes. There are huge differences in the recipes so I'll just have to test a few ... and put on a few pounds I guess.
I'll upload a recipe once it's perfect. Promise!
Greenstuff January 20, 2014
Suikerbrood in Dutch. I've never made it myself, but here's one recipe from the Dutch tourism site
Superyalda January 21, 2014
That looks right! The recipe is lacking though. It doesn't address the swirl in the preparation but it says to put it in the loaf pan seam down. Now that I have the correct spelling (thank you for that!) I'll continue my search.
aobenour January 20, 2014
Maybe it was Morovian sugar cake? Yeasted, made with a potato, crunchy cinnamon sugar topping? I've never seen it marbled but maybe the pastry chef in Holland took liberties. I make a version that Gourmet published in the 90s. It's in their book "Gourmet Sweets."
Superyalda January 21, 2014
Nope, that sounds good but definitely not what I'm looking for. Thanks :)
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