The sauce specifies "1/2 Maldon or other flaky salt". No unit is provided. What do we think? Tablespoon? Teaspoon? Thanks, all!

  • Posted by: marynn
  • February 9, 2014


cookbookchick February 9, 2014
I have April Bloomfield's book but I am away from home right now. I just checked a couple of other online sources that featured Bloomfield's recipe. They both state that 1/2 TEASPOON is the correct amount for the sauce.
marynn February 11, 2014
You truly are what your user name says: cookbookchick! Many thanks!
ATG117 February 9, 2014
I would guess 1/2T (you have a whole can of tomatoes going in--those need salt!), But you can always add more, so start out with less. Just make sure you don't end up skimping on salt if it's necessary!
cookbookchick February 9, 2014
cookbookchick February 9, 2014
I have not made this, but I would suggest starting with half a teaspoon and then tasting before you add more.
marynn February 9, 2014
Of course you are right; I was feeling lazy. >;)
Plus, who am I to mess with April Bloomfield?
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