How do you separate the leaves of brussel sprouts



The outer leaves tend to come off pretty easily, but I find that I end up not being able to use a lot of the inner brussels sprouts this way. I prefer to shave them, either with a mandolin or just cutting in thin slices with a knife. You can make the slices pretty fine and get the same sort of effect compared to whole sprouts, without the same amount of waste. But of course this would depend on your recipe.
Susan March 4, 2014
ATG117 is right. All you need to do is whack off the bottom. The leaves will fall off like so many little green flower petals. Easy peasy.
Ilene S. March 4, 2014
To separate a cabbage I freeze it first when it thaws the leaves come off easily. I would do the same with Brussel sprouts only core out the bottom.
CarlaCooks March 4, 2014

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ATG117 March 4, 2014
cut off the bottoms and separate the leaves
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