Pie crust recipe with egg and butter

Your Pi-day pies were absolutely delicious! I purchased four pies (2 of them over 2lbs) for work and a Pi-Day dinner party that night, and we were all entranced with the flavors in the cherry, blueberry, apple and harvest berry. I have eaten more pie in the last two days than I have in the last two years. Thank you so much. If you can post the recipe for that fabulous egg-based butter pastry dough, that would be wonderful!

a Whole Foods Market Customer
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Lindsay-Jean H. March 17, 2014
Greetings - Unfortunately our Whole Foods contact informed us that this is a store bakehouse recipe, but suggested trying another great pie crust in their database here: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipe/simple-pie-crust
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