
I have way too much broccoli that I need to use. My mom frequents the farmers' market and generously buys whatever looks good and gives it to me. Hate to waste it. Any ideas?



Miguelito April 23, 2014
Make fritters!!!!!!! It's the best way to get rid of veggies and kids love it
luvcookbooks April 21, 2014
I add my vote to the roasted broccoli with marcona almonds and smoked paprika vinaigrette. It's my favorite broccoli recipe and confirmed broccoli haters enjoy it. Never left over.
ATG117 April 21, 2014
And 2 more below, with votes for slow roasted broccoli and the first recipe with paprika and almonds. I'd also check out smitten kitchen. She has a great recipe for broccoli fritters.
jilhil April 20, 2014
Cook it then purée it in the blender with a little of the cooking water. Works great stirred into a pasta or rice dish. I sometimes add a few cloves of garlic to the purée. You can freeze it in an ice cube tray then have broccoli cubes to toss into sauces, stews or smoothies. (Although I wouldn't suggest using a garlic laced cube in a smoothie.)
Ellen April 20, 2014
slow cooked broccoli! The foodinista's website
Merrill S. April 20, 2014
Here are some more suggestions:
sexyLAMBCHOPx April 20, 2014
My favorite broccoli recipe on the site

If you search broccoli recipes on this site you'll find some unique recipes.
kimhw April 20, 2014
Cream of broccoli soup.
It freezes really well.
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