I didn't read thoroughly the recipe for the Serrano Ham with Manchego Croqueta and realized too late (what's new) that they needed to be refrigeratede

Can I freeze them before dredging in Panko and cook up later?

  • Posted by: LauriL
  • June 7, 2014


boulangere June 9, 2014
Oh, how funny! Naturally, it would happen when the occasion is a "performance" of sorts.
boulangere June 8, 2014
Just between you and me, I run into steps like this often; something looks like a great idea, I forge full steam head, then halfway through have an "oh shit" moment. That said, freezing may not do you much good, as it will over-chill the exterior. These are evidently predicated on a soft batter that needs to be firmed up by refrigeration. You can certainly freeze them, but I would suggest that you thaw them overnight in the refrigerator before proceeding.
LauriL June 9, 2014
Thank you Cynthia. I promised the dining club folks (that met this past Saturday) that I would thaw and personally deliver, house by house, their portion of said appetizer! The driving all over town will teach me to read the ENTIRE recipe from now on!! Thanks for your thoughts!
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