What is the best way to transport a small three-tiered cake on the subway?

I'm delivering my first tiered cake next week in Manhattan (i usually only do pies or cupcakes) and I'm having trouble figuring out how to transport it on the subway.

Jacqueline Russo


Shlee June 12, 2014
Transport layers seperate in cake boxes and assemble on site.
Pegeen June 12, 2014
Subway would be pretty risky. It's not the subway itself, it's the stairs up and down. I don't know how you would do that for a 3-tier by yourself. Agree you should take a cab (with another person for assistance) and add or expense the cost. Even in a cab, sitting with a cake on your lap is not an easy thing - definitely need another pair of hands and tell the driver to stay away from those potholes.
monkeymom June 12, 2014
The the cab is a good idea! But be sure to support your layers. Before you frost, put in cake dowels or at least skewers (3 or 4) through your layered cake. This will help create some structure so that the layers won't slide off each other. Then frost. Remove them when the cake is being cut for serving.
bigpan June 11, 2014
Consider taking a taxi, hold the cake on your lap, and add the cost to the cake.

Voted the Best Reply!

sexyLAMBCHOPx June 11, 2014
Cab it, expense it.
HalfPint June 11, 2014
How big is this cake? Dimensions?
Jacqueline R. June 11, 2014
The largest tier will be 14" diameter
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