BLW veggie recipe ideas

Trying baby led weaning with my baby. Concept is you give them solid food which they eat with their own hands with no spoon feeding or puréeing from the outset. She is LOVING it so far - lots of messy videos for the years to come. Looking for simple & tasty veggie recipes/ideas.

Lady gigi


Lady G. June 30, 2014
Thanks for responding. I get so much pleasure watching her chow down, let alone her!
We seem to be going along right lines. Discovered mashed avocado on toast at the weekend & she doesn't stop when the roast sweet potatoes are put down. It's just amazing to watch the anticipation in her face when her bowl is put down. Table manners will have to be next on agenda as she doesn't wait for anyone!
Great to hear another positive experience with it.
nashama June 30, 2014
The other thing to remember is that when they're young, babies aren't able to pick up little pieces yet so make sure everything is long enough (and sturdy enough!) to be grasped in a tiny fist but s have something to stick out to be eaten!
nashama June 30, 2014
We did BLW and to this day (our son is almost 2) I think it's one of the best decisions we made!
We fed just about anything we ate - in keeping with the idea that we were including him in the family meal: roasted sweet potato spears, broccoli florets, lightly steamed carrots or zucchini. Beets, cucumber, we did it all. We did avocado spread on English muffins in the morning and cut them into strips for easier handling.
Good luck!
Gibson2011 June 29, 2014
I'd recommend checking out Tyler Florence's Cookbook "Start Fresh". He's got really good meal ideas that work for families and infants/toddlers.
My little one really likes roasted veggies, parmesan-crusted zucchini, etc. There are certain things he won't eat on their own, like corn, but if I make a corn pudding/spoonbread, he'll eat it.
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