Gifted a ham bone.. What would you do with it?

I was given the bone, which still has lots of meat on it, from a recent family jam. I sliced off big chunks of the meat, and now it's all sitting in my freezer. I usually flavor a soup with it (potatoe kale or yellow split pea). What would you do with it?



Stephanie July 3, 2014
Oh thanks everyone! I think I'll try to cut it (its big!!! Over a food long ;) and then use half soon for that black bean recipe, Meaghan and then maybe a little late a slick long greens sauté, like you suggested, Exbruxelles!
Keep the ideas rolling though!
savorthis July 3, 2014
I froze the braising liquid from Momofuku's ham terrine once and used cubes of it to flavor sauces, soups, etc. It had such a great flavor and seems it would be easy to make using the bones and bits of meat. Throw in some cinnamon, star anise, garlic and bay leaf.
Stephanie July 3, 2014
Love this idea too!
Pegeen July 3, 2014
Make beans, for rice and beans.
Meaghan F. July 3, 2014
I know you mentioned you normally use it for pea soup, but if you want to try something slightly different, give Cuban black bean soup a try:
ChefJune July 3, 2014
Split Pea Soup!
bigpan July 2, 2014
Toss it into a batch of pea soup (made from scratch of course). The soup will take about 4-6 hours of simmering. Take the bone out and scrape any meat that not already not fallen off in the soup.
Buy a nice fresh crusty bread and enjoy.
(or freeze since soup is not really a summertime food)

Voted the Best Reply!

Exbruxelles July 2, 2014
I'd make greens: Saute some onions, add more chopped, mixed greens --kale, chard, collard, mustard--than you think you cold possibly ever eat. Add the ham bone and water. Cover and cook over slow heat for a long time. Serve with red pepper sauce and/or vinegar if you want.

They're good for your soul.
HalfPint July 2, 2014
Make a ham stock and then use in soups, stews, gravies, and sauces.
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