Best challah in New York?

I am trying to find the best loaf of (kosher) challah in NYC. Where should I go?

Sarah Jampel


Judy L. January 20, 2018
For me, Eli’s challah is ideal. Anyone have the recipe?
Migda March 10, 2016
I have positive experience from Zomick's bakery . It surely is one of the kosher bakeries in Inwood.
creamtea July 17, 2014
P.S. These sources are strictly kosher and accepted by everyone.
creamtea July 17, 2014
Breads bakery is not kosher. I like Fischer Brothers own house-made challah, Butterflake (which is parve!) from New Jersey, available at Seasons, and my favorite is Challah Fairy. She delivers to various kosher stores (we get it from camp) and she used to deliver to apartments in Manhattan and elsewhere. You ought to call to reserve either Butterflake or Challah Fairy at the shops that sell them, because they will sell out early on Fridays.
Liza's K. July 17, 2014
I'd also recommend making your own, but it you can't I'd go to Orwasher's as amysarah mentioned. All of their breads are Kosher and Parve. William Greenberg Desserts is also great, but a little overpriced.
Talia R. July 17, 2014
B+H Dairy on 2nd Ave -- if they'll sell you a loaf.
amysarah July 17, 2014
Making it sounds great (assuming you keep a kosher kitchen, given your criteria) - but are you looking for yourself, a friend, a source this site...?
ChefJune July 17, 2014
Sarah: my REAL recommendation is that you make your own. I have a GREAT recipe I've been using probably longer than you are old that I'd be delighted to share. Most purchased challahs I've known are never as fresh as home made. And the house smells SO good while it is baking!
Nancy July 17, 2014
I agree with ChefJune. Instead of recipes labelled as challah, I find myself repeated using James Beard's Potato Refrigerator Bread for challah...the potato keeps it moist, the eggs make it a "rich bread" (one of the criteria for challh), it has a firm crumb and shapes beautifully - round, braided, mini challah etc. Enjoy!
Nancy July 17, 2014
I agree with ChefJune. Instead of recipes labelled as challah, I find myself repeated using James Beard's Potato Refrigerator Bread for challah...the potato keeps it moist, the eggs make it a "rich bread" (one of the criteria for challh), it has a firm crumb and shapes beautifully - round, braided, mini challah etc. Enjoy!
Sarah J. July 18, 2014
I definitely agree with you (and please, please share your recipe!! I'd absolutely love to have it). The problem tonight is that my kitchen is not kosher and I have to bring kosher challah to the dinner. I have had great experience making Smitten Kitchen's fig and sea salt challah.
Nancy July 17, 2014
again, best is so hard to define for someone else. but here are two leads for you. one survey of top nyc challot and one israeli import
amysarah July 17, 2014
Eli's Bread makes kosher challah - no idea if it's 'the best' but worth a try. Their shops are on the UES, but it's probably sold elsewhere too.
amysarah July 17, 2014
Speaking of Jewish bakeries - also on the UES, maybe Orwasher's? (Not sure if they're kosher, but worth checking.)
Peter July 17, 2014
I saw this question and came to post Breads bakery on 16th Street when I see ChefJune has already posted it. I don't know if it's kosher but it's damned good. (As is their babka.)
ChefJune July 17, 2014
AFAIK, most challah is parve. You'd have to seek out a Kosher bakery or bakeries and start "testing." "Best" is such a subjective thing. Breads Bakery on 16th Street near the Union Square Greenmarket makes an exemplary challah, but I've no idea if it is Kosher.
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