Can I over-brine chicken breasts?

I set some chicken breasts to brine for a few hours in leftover pickle juice. The juice is very spicy, it's from an empty can of McClure's Spicy Spears. Can I leave them for 24 hours in the fridge or will they be too hot/salty? We planned on cooking tonight but might not be able to any more.

  • Posted by: Cheazza
  • August 17, 2014


boulangere August 18, 2014
Brining, in the presence of an acid, is designed to tenderize proteins. But too much is too much. More than probably 12 hours in your pickle juice, which is high in acidic vinegars, may result in your chicken breasts being mushy rather than tender once cooked.
ChefJune August 18, 2014
Yes you can over-brine anything! I would probably take them out of the brine and refrigerate them until tomorrow.
Tony S. August 18, 2014
I regularly brine chicken breasts in pickle juice and leave them in the liquid for just about 24 hours without issue...
BakerRB August 17, 2014
Yes, I think they can be over-brined. I haven't had a flavor problem, but an unpleasant texture. I've found chicken breasts to be weirdly spongy when brined for a long time. I'd take them out as Susan W mentioned she's done.
Susan W. August 17, 2014
I've never brined with pickle juice, but I often remove chicken from a brine and waited until the next day to cook it.
Cheazza August 18, 2014
Thanks Susan!
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