I am planning a French inspired B-day (34 yrs) party for my BFF, with a strawberry crepe cake. What else can I serve to fit the party theme?

I thought about Croissants with french butter, honey, jam, and salty options cheese, something maybe in the ham realm. Then I thought; what does a French Party tray look like? If there ever could be such a thing...



Patricia August 27, 2014
Champagne to start. While you're sipping, munch on popcorn popped in olive oil and drizzled with truffle oil. If you can find truffle salt sprinkle it in top along with coarse salt.
Horto August 26, 2014
cheese is last course,of course!
weekend A. August 26, 2014
make a bunch of croque monsieur sandwiches and cut them into small triangles!
SeaJambon August 26, 2014
And think about gougieres (savory cream puffs) - always a hit with a glass of wine!
Sam1148 August 25, 2014
Consider a charcuterie with various cured meats, cheeses, small pickles, breads, and jams, and olives.

Serve it on a big wooden board...or a sheet pan wrapped in brown butcher paper. With mustard on the paper. and jam in piles. Very free form rustic.
(Bonus point if you find wooden Popsicle sticks for the people to use as spreaders)


I'd take a big half sheet pan..and wrap it in brown butcher paper..and plate most of things on that...meat, cheeses, olives, pickles, and have another basket or bowl with a cloth for the bread...baguettes, croissants, flat breads.

inpatskitchen August 25, 2014
Take a look:http://www.foodrepublic.com/2012/03/16/how-make-french-charcuterie-platter
Meaghan F. August 25, 2014
Charcuterie + good bread + classy crudités, fruit + Brie, then that cake... Very easy and very French!
Rizzos_Fridge August 25, 2014
Thank you for your help. I am glad to be pointed in the right direction.
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