Need some inspiration... Making lamb steaks and some roasted root veg in honey and salt. Need another side, any ideas?

Fresh - french green beans, pepper, chilli, grapefruit - usual cupboard stuff (olive oil, balsamic, soy, honey, spices etc...)

Any thoughts appreciated!!

  • Posted by: Marcm
  • September 21, 2010


Bevi September 21, 2010
Israeli couscous with chopped onions sauteed in olive oil and a little balsamic, with currants or golden raisins and sliced almonds. Add a little chopped mint. It's a pretty dish and leftovers are great for lunch.
Marcm September 21, 2010
Both great ideas, thanks!
thirschfeld September 21, 2010
don't let those fresh haricot verts sit another minute. They would be great with the chili flakes and some olive oil.
ohhelloelle September 21, 2010
does your pantry include cous cous? I think that or some blanched green beans with garlic and chili would be great sides.
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